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OSTEOPOROSIS - an epidemic of the third millennium?

15. October 2021
Osteoporóza (rednutie kostí) je metabolické ochorenie kostí, pri ktorom ubúda množstvo kostnej hmoty a vznikajú poruchy štruktúry kostí, čím sa zvyšuje riziko zlomenín

Osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) is a metabolic bone disease in which the amount of bone mass decreases and disorders of bone structure occur, which increases the risk of fractures

Osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) is a metabolic disease of the bones in which the amount of bone mass decreases and disorders of bone structure occur, which increases the risk of fractures. The critical periods for its origin are especially the periods of menopause and old age. You can avoid it if you start prevention in childhood and adolescence until the age of 35. Proper exercise, a balanced diet and a sufficient supply of calcium and vitamins K2 and D3 are especially important.

Occurrence and severity

It is estimated that one in three women and one in six men over the age of 50 are currently at risk of osteoporosis and its consequences. About 8% of the population suffers from this disease and, in addition to being called the epidemic of the third millennium, it is also one of the diseases of civilization.

Osteoporosis is considered serious not for itself, but for its complications - fractures. In osteoporosis, fractures of the forearm, vertebrae, upper end of the humerus and femur most often occur. Undoubtedly the most feared is a fracture of the femoral neck, after which about a third of people die within a year from complications of associated diseases, about a third is dependent on the care of others and only the remaining one third of the fractures heal completely and patients are able to take care of themselves. This fracture is also the 7th most common cause of death of hospitalized patients in Slovakia.


The onset and development of osteoporosis can be influenced to some extent. Although there are factors behind this disease that we do not control, there are also factors that you can influence yourself. Inheritance has a significant share in the incidence of osteoporosis, with menopausal women being particularly at risk.

Risk factors:Rizikové faktory:

genetic predisposition




premature menopause with onset before the age of 45

life style

insufficient intake of calcium and other nutrients

no physical activity or inappropriate age and health

no sunbathing



taking some medicines, such as corticosteroids


Among other nutrients, calcium is very important for bone building. If there is a lack of it in the blood, the body takes it from the bones, which makes it thin and more fragile. Therefore, if the diet does not contain enough calcium, it is necessary to supplement it in another form. The combination of natural calcium and vitamins D3 and K2 is ideal.

Manifestations and diagnostics

Osteoporosis does not hurt in its early stages, which is why it is called a silent bone thief. Increased degradation of bone tissue cannot be seen on the outside, while people in senior age usually lose 1 to 3% of bone mass per year. Many patients do not know that they suffer from osteoporosis. It is a long process until the bones weaken to the point where a fracture occurs. And it is this that often has the credit for detecting the disease.

If osteoporosis is suspected, the doctor will perform several examinations, on the basis of which he will order adequate treatment for the patient. In diagnosing this disease, a family history is important, as well as the patient's medical records, which can reveal any risk factors to the physician. The doctor then physically examines the patient and subjects him to laboratory blood and urine tests. The basis of the diagnosis is a densitometric examination, in which the lumbar part of the spine and the upper part of the femur are examined to determine the density of the bone at a given location. Your doctor may also order an X-ray examination, most often an X-ray of the spine.

Osteoporosis does not hurt in its early stages, which is why it is called a silent bone thief. Increased degradation of bone tissue cannot be seen on the outside, while people in senior age usually lose 1 to 3% of bone mass per year.

Osteoporóza vo svojich začiatkoch nebolí a aj preto sa jej hovorí tichý zlodej kostí. Zvýšené odbúravanie kostného tkaniva navonok nevidieť, bežne pritom ľudia v seniorskom veku za rok stratia 1 až 3 % kostnej hmoty.

Not only osteoporosis affects the bones

Osteocalcin is the softening of the bones due to a lack of vitamin D. Unlike osteoporosis, this disease is accompanied by bone pain and muscle weakness can be observed. Adequate stay in the sun, vitamin D and calcium intake are the best prevention.

Osteopenia is a kind of intermediate stage between normal bone condition and osteoporosis. It is not yet a disease, but it is a clear signal of bone thinning. Proper exercise, plenty of vitamin D and calcium, and a varied diet are especially important.


The treatment of osteoporosis is in the hands of a specialist and is usually a long-term, in some cases lifelong treatment. The specialist physician decides to start treatment based on the results of the examination and taking into account other factors such as the patient's age, associated other diseases and the like. The basis of treatment is to prevent fractures, especially in people who have not had it yet. In patients with an existing fracture, the treatment situation is more complicated. In any case, doctors are trying to delay the onset of another fracture in such patients.

Liečba osteoporózy patrí do rúk špecialistu a väčšinou ide o dlhodobú, v niektorých prípadoch i doživotnú liečbu.

In the treatment of osteoporosis, several drug groups are used, which are used at different intervals (once a day, once a month, once every six months,) and also in different forms (tablets, powder, subcutaneous injections,):


selective estrogenic receptor modulators

vitamin D, vitamin D metabolites

strontium ranelate

parathyroid hormone


As with many other diseases, the patient himself plays the greatest role in the treatment of osteoporosis. Regular use of prescribed treatment and following the doctor's instructions are often very difficult in the long run. During each treatment prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to administer calcium and vitamin D3 to restore bone strength and structure. Concomitant administration of vitamin K2 is beneficial for directing calcium to the bone.

Inspired by nature, supported by science


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