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Everyone is differently resistant to disease.

15. October 2021

Everyone is differently resistant to disease. Immune memory is also different, which is the body's ability to remember which pathogen it fought and how it got rid of it. At the next meeting, the body remembers everything and triggers an effective immune response. People with weak immunity have a lazier immune memory, so their body's response to the pathogen is slow. Many times, so that he feels the symptoms of the disease you have overcome again. Fortunately, there are ways to encourage the body to react as quickly as possible.

Adequate intake of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and other elements and components such as fibre for healthy bacterial colonization is important for the support and functioning of the immune system. Without these elements, the immune system may be weaker, slower, disease may break out more easily, and may be more difficult. Sufficient income does not automatically mean that you will avoid diseases with an arc, but that you can manage them much easier for the first time and for the second time you may not even notice that something is happening.

Zinc promotes the growth of memory cellsZinok podporí rast pamäťových buniek

The smoother course of the disease is mainly due to zinc, which supports the growth, multiplication and function of all immune cells. "All people have pre-prepared T and B lymphocytes in their body, which are able to recognize the stimuli of a new pathogenic virus. The T and B lymphocyte system is also able to create an immune memory," explains prof. Jan Krejsek, Head of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Hradec Kralove University Hospital. As a result, the organism responds quickly and effectively to future encounters with the same stimulus. If all the cells are immune, including the memory ones.

Zinc is involved in this. Vitamin D, in turn, helps activate white blood cells, specifically NK cells (natural killers), whose main function is to defend against viral, parasitic and bacterial infections. In the body, the child has another 2,500 functions, including the regulation of the immune response, so that it is not exaggerated and its cells are not carried away by the pathogen. Vitamin C works here as an accelerator that drives all immune processes. In the case of vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc, it is justified to claim that without sufficient intake, immunity is insufficient. "Supplementation of these essential ingredients in the form of quality food supplements can be recommended preventively, but also in the form of increased doses for signs of infection or feelings of loss of vitality. It also acts indirectly on our psyche," says immunologist prof.  Jan Krejsek. The synergy of these elements will serve as support in times demanding respiratory diseases. Also, if you have excessive physical activity, or if you cannot take them in your diet or in the case of vitamin D from the sun.

It will not be possible without a healthy life

Experts recommend a permanent balanced diet, optimal weight, plenty of exercise and sleep. Despite all the conveniences of modern medicine, the composition of the menu has a majority share in the psyche, health and appearance. Diseases of the heart or digestive system, weak immune system, overweight, but also bad mood, spleen and a whole host of others. All of this can be the consequences of a diet with an unbalanced nutrient ratio and a minimum of vitamins. Strong immunity based on a balanced diet, movement and sleep is not completely impossible. But it is a permanent, and especially a long-term process. It's not something that works for a few weeks of a responsible lifestyle, so it's okay to support your efforts with dietary supplements.

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